IT service platforms, IT production environments, the richness and diversity of the IT services catalog, and the obligations of IT services are the requirements for an ambitious and efficient IT governance policy.

This policy for IT production governance relies on a set of solutions to ensure and guarantee:

– The availability of a predefined service catalog;
– The operational readiness of service platforms;
– The controlled availability of IT services;
– The control and improvement of value creation processes;
– Incident control, detection and management ;
– Control and measurement of the performance indicators for IT service platforms in production;
– The control of evolutions, configurations and changes using well defined production processes at all stakeholders levels;
– The technological watch and risk management;
– The definition and implementation of compliance rules for the standardization and industrialization of the production and incident management processes.


The governance policy is consistent with the enterprise’s vision and requires the involvement of all stakeholders for the continuous improvement of the quality of the IT services.

Such policy is driven by client’s satisfaction, both internal and external.

According to ITGI (IT Governance Institute), the five pillars of IT governance are:

– IT Strategic Alignment;
– IT Value Delivery ;
– IT Risk Management;
– IT Resource Management;
– Performance Measurement.

IT governance is an integral part of corporate governance since it refers to IS management and regulation methods used to reach the objectives.

With IT governance, the top management will no longer see the information system as a cost center but as a service center. And even more, if all governance tools are applied, the information system will become a partner in the creation of wealth for the company.

IT governance solutions

The solutions and products offered by ITGStore covers all the 5 pillars of IT governance.

ITGStore relies on a certified team with proven experience on multiple major projects to provide the following services:

– Study and implementation of solutions for operational readiness;
– Support and maintenance of these solutions;
– Training and skills transfer.

ITGStore has a rich service catalog:

1)  ITIL based production processes

ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is a set of best practices for information system management addressing the following questions:

– How to manage an information system?
– How to improve the efficiency of the information system?
– How to reduce the risk?
– How to increase IT services quality?

These are the services ITGStore has to offer:

– Change management
– CMDB ;
– Asset management
– Incident management
– Intervention management
– Problem management
– Configuration management
– Set up of service centers, NOC (Network Operations Center) and Service desks


2)  Infrastructure and service platforms monitoring

Monitoring is the management and control of a system or activity proper operation. Each service platform consisting of equipment, application and software packages interconnected and configured to deliver one or many IT services.

The monitoring platform enables (automatically):

– Incident detection, alarm correlation and mapping of business services;
– To define, at any moment during production, the state of an IT service: available, degraded or unavailable;
– To ensure operability and optimization of the quality of the provided services, in order to ensure compliance as predefined in the IT service catalog;
– To provide support and information to the organization in charge of steering, operations and incident managing;
– To ensure a dynamic interface with the following platforms:

– Incident management (Help Desk) and intervention
– IT asset management
– Configuration management


3) Performance indicators management and capacity planning

This refers to all the means to ensure that each system is sufficiently sized and has the capacity to carry the load assigned to it.

It also guarantees the control over capacity changes, the management and the analysis of performance indicators and also the capacity planning.


4) Operational security optimization

Depending on the context in place, ITGStore is able to define and implement solutions for:

– Management, centralization, log control and analysis, with reporting modules: SIEM;
– Centralized identity and access management:

– It helps strengthen the overall level of safety by ensuring consistency in the access rights of heterogeneous resources of the information system;
– It is also one of the main methods to meet the regulatory requirements for traceability;
– It is the management of individuals’ the life cycle within the company (hiring, promotion, transfer, departure, etc.) and induced impacts on the information system: user accounts creation, user profiles assignment, access control implementation, etc.

– Single Sign On: A single identifier, only one password, one connection for an access to several applications.